width, height and flex-basis

There are two kind of FlexViews: those with a non-flex parent and those with a flex parent.

div parent

In the first scenario things are easy: FlexView will behave as a standard div with display: block.

  <FlexView /> // width as its parent, height 0

FlexView parent

If a FlexView is the child of another FlexView things get much trickier!

  1. It will no longer behave as a block (display: block)
  2. Height and width will be computed by the browser (with some black magic) relative to any other parent, sibling or children!

flex elements have two types of size: main size (direction of main axis) and cross size (direction of cross axis). To set the main size we must use the flex-basis property. With FlexView this is achieved with the prop basis.

<FlexView> // row
  <FlexView basis={50} /> // width 50px, height 0

<FlexView column> // column
  <FlexView basis={50} /> // height 50px, width 0

To set the cross size say “welcome back” to width and height!

  <FlexView basis={50} style={{ height: 50 }} /> // width 50px, height 50px

<FlexView column>
  <FlexView basis={50} style={{ width: 50 }} /> // height 50px, width 50px

This means that, to properly size a flex element, you must know its parent. (Is it a div or a FlexView? Is it a row or a column?)

As width and height are often needed, FlexView is kind enough to expose them directly so instead of using style you can simply pass your values as width and height.

  <FlexView basis={50} height={50} /> // width 50px, height 50px

<FlexView column>
  <FlexView basis={50} width={50} /> // height 50px, width 50px

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